expect script sample

Updated at: May 21, 2017

Expect scripting language is used to feed input automatically to an interactive program. wiki

ssh login with expect

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_erhuang_core01 dw_dev@gauls.vip.ebay.com "cd $GAULS_DIR; expect <<EOF
spawn sftp ${SFTP_OPT} ${sftp_user}@${sftp_host}
expect {
        \"*assword:\" {
            send \"${sftp_passwd}\\r\"
            expect {
                timeout {send_user \"Can't connect to remote sftp\"; exit 1}
                \"*denied*\" {send_user \"SFTP auth failed\"; exit 1}
send \"put $TGT_FILE ${sftp_path}/ \\r\"
expect {
    \"*No such file or directory*\" {send_user \"No such file or directory\"; exit 1}
send \"exit\\r\"